Presenting the links of all posts (sorted from newest to oldest) Book review "Attention Management": Skeptic about the impact Book Review "Etai Science (এটাই সায়েন্স): Some tales of the unsung heroes of public heath sector of Bangladesh Book Review "Mindf*ck": Does what the title says Book Review "The Emperor's Handbook": An introductory book on Stoic Philosophy Book Review "Mustaine": Autobiography of Dave Mustaine full with amazing stories Seven best books I read in 2020 যা পড়লাম জুলাইয়ে যা পড়লাম জুনে বুক রিভিউ "দাস পার্টির খোঁজে": এক অদম্য সাহসী যোদ্ধা ও সমসাময়িক পরিস্থিতির আখ্যান বুক রিভিউ "লাইনে আসুন": প্রথমে হাসাবে, তারপরে ভাবাবে বুক রিভিউ "শরবতে বাজিমাত": চেখে দেখতে পারেন বুক রিভিউ "নারায়ণ গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়-এর ছোটগল্প" Book Review "The Art of War": A book that will help you to confront conflicts ক্রিটিক্যাল থিংকিং: কী, কীভাবে, কেন [Removed] হেত্বাভাস ২.০ [Removed] হেত্বাভাস (Fallacy...
Attention Management is a self-help book on productivity written by Maura Nevel Thomas. The core theme of the book is how to give more attention to the work you are doing in a world full of continuous chaos and distractions. Attention Management is a relatively new term in the field of productivity. The idea of attention management is to stay fully focused on your work. Unlike time management, it is not about how long you are doing your task. Rather, it is about undivided attention while doing something no matter what amount of time. I first heard this term from a youtube video of a lecturer of BUET (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) . Book cover The book has five chapters (except Introduction and Conclusion) where Thomas tried to explain how to become good at attention management. Some of the tips were new and attractive to me. But there were some instructions (e.g. taking breaks after a certain time, turning off your digital device) that seemed like the class...