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Book review "Who Moved My Cheese?": A book about change

The result of the SSC examination in Bangladesh is published today. The result will play a significant role in the educational life of the examinees. It may change the track of their lives. And "Who Moved My Cheese?" is a book talking about change and how to get adapted to it.

The author, Dr Spencer Johnson, wrote some best-selling books. "Who Moved My Cheese?" is one of them. The book is sold over 12 million copies worldwide ( printed on the back of the book). The Daily Telegraph has said, "One of the most successful business books ever". The book is also praised by some business personnel. So I decided to give it a read.

The book is divided into three parts. In the first part, in a reunion of school mates, Michael (not Corleone) tells a story named "Who Moved My Cheese?" and says that it has changed his outlook about 'Change'. In the next part, the story revolves around two mice and two little people of different characteristics. The story glorifies the importance of change. At last, there is a discussion about the story between the classmates. It seemed to me that the book promoted to be positive about every change that occurs in our life. The book encourages you to be in a rat race of success all time. The book is very short. There are wide margins on every page and some pages only have a picture of a piece of cheese with a line written in it. Many people say that the book is non-fiction, but I don't think so. In this tiny book, two pages are used to mention the positive reviews of businesspersons, there are three pages about the author and a six pages long foreword. Yet, the book has some good thoughts about change, especially in relationships. The story might seem attractive to you and give you some motivation. It is written in simple English and it the easiest (to read) English non-fiction book I have ever read ( except English For Today, Class 1-3). The book only takes forty-five minutes to an hour to read. Therefore you can read it with ease.

At a glance :
Name of the book: "Who Moved My Cheese? : An Amazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work and In Your Life"
Writer: Dr Spemcer Johnson
Publisher: Vermilion
Number of pages: 96
Price: 650 INR

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