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Showing posts from January, 2021

Seven best books I read in 2020

Finally, 2020 is over. Last year, I read a lot of books (compared to the previous ones). It had been long since I last posted any book review. At the beginning of December, the idea of listing seven best books which influenced my thinking greatly last year popped up in my mind. This post is the outcome of that very idea. 7. A Plannet of Viruses We often do not realise how we are surrounded by viruses until a freaking pandemic starts. Carl Zimmer's A Planet of Viruses is a popular science book which tells the stories of some viruses among us. A Planet of Viruses is an easy to read book. It tells some amazing stories about viruses. After reading this book I found the chapter about microorganisms in my Botany textbook interesting.          6. Post Office Post Office by Charles Bukowski is an autobiographical account of his working for the United States Postal Service. The novel introduces Bukowski's autobiographical anti-hero, Henry Chinaski. In this novel, Bukowski

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