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Book Review "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari": A book with the essence of ancient Indian values

"India!" Many people (especially in the West) consider India as an uncivilized country. They think so because of poverty and other social problems of India. But ancient India had something proud worthy of in the field of spirituality.

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" is a self-help book by Robin Sharma. The book is mainly a conversation between two characters Julian and John. Julian was a famous lawyer who, after a heart attack in a jam-packed courtroom, sold all of his possessions and started a journey to find the meaning of life. In India, he met several people and finally he went to a place atop the Himalayan where a group of sages lived. Julian had become a student of the sages and learned the ancient art of well living. Following his teacher's instructions, he came back to the West and began to spread the learning outcomes. At first, he met John, his sometime junior lawyer and friend, and spoke to him about the ancient Indian values about life.

The conversation between Julian and John is the main topic of the book. The book tells about mastering our mind, setting clear goals, constantly trying, power of habit, the importance of time etc. The book has some practical techniques, such as "The Heart of The Rose Technique", " Opposition Thinking", to master your mind(I didn't try them). I found some topic of the book similar to The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Eat That Frog such as do something principle (page 158) or The 80/20 principle (page 164). It is a common tendency of our brain though :)

I enjoyed the book as it contains the ideology of ancient India. The book is written in simple English. Therefore, it will be helpful to noob readers like me.

The listener in the book, John, seemed very naive. He listened to all of Julian's pieces of advice like an attentive listener. In general, if someone comes to give us advice, we argue with him and sometimes we also deliver fallacies. But John did not do so. That seemed a weak point of the book. However, I would recommend this book to you.

At a glance :
Name of the book: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A fable about reaching your dreams and fulfilling your destiny.
Writer: Robin Sharma
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House
Number of pages: 198
Price: 450 INR 

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