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Book review "Eat That Frog": A guide to overcome procrastination and become more productive

Today is a day of joy for me. I finished reading the first English non-fiction book in my life. Sadly, it took almost half a month to finish reading this little book of 123 pages. The reason for this delay is nothing but my poor time management.

In the book, Brian Tracy explains 21 ways to prevent procrastination and become more efficient. Tracy calls himself an "eclectic reader" and the book justifies his words. He assembled his personal experiences and learnings in one place. There will never be enough time for doing all of your tasks. Therefore, Tracy insisted that the most important work must be done at first and that's your frog. The 80/20 rule and ABCDE method will help you to find your frog. The book is full of practical tips and tricks to plan, action and achieve success. The book may help you to become more effective in work.

Back to my story. Before reading the book, I have no idea that "Proper prior planning prevents procrastination". I did not make a detailed plan about reading the book (e.i. how many pages should I read in a day, when to read the book). As a result, I procrastinated in reading the book. The book taught me about the importance of planning. The book is written in simple English. That will help greatly the noob readers like me. There is a summary at the end of each chapter that contains the main learning outcomes of the chapter. It a positive side of the book. Moreover, in the end, there is a compilation of the zests of the 21 ways that looks pretty good and helpful.
It seemed to me that the book is forcedly exaggerated. After the first few chapters, you will find a repetition of ideas and that will bother you. That is a chokepoint of the book. It holds back the reader's interest to finish the book. In the book, Tracy advised us several times to be the best, to become more productive, more efficient which is, according to Mark Manson, is the vital cause of the mental problems of this generation. I am not strongly recommending reading this book. You might give the book a shot, the ball is in your court.

At a glance:
Name of the book: "Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastination and Get More Done in less time"
Writer: Brian Tracy
Publisher: Magna Publishing Co. LTD.
Number of pages: 123
Price: 450 INR

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