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Book review "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck": Motivates you in the reverse way

Finally, I finished reading "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck". It the first English non-fiction book I started reading and I wrote my first book review about this one in February ( obviously I didn't finish reading the first chapter at that time, but I didn't give a f*ck and wrote a superficial review).

The writer, Mark Manson, started blogging about relationships. Gradually, he started to write about making our lives happier. In the book, Mark tried to teach us to stay away from the rat race of giving more f*cks about everything in the era of consumerism.

Mark started the book with the story of Charles Bukowski who hadn't given a f*ck about becoming a humble person despite achieving success. Mark talked about the process of generating happiness by solving our problems. He also wrote about maintaining our mental health. I enjoyed the style in which he wrote about many serious issues of our lives. To make us understand some serious subjects, Mark used some interesting stories.

I found the book useful. I came to know that I had treated myself as an entitled person from the beginning of my adolescence and still, sometimes, I measure myself in the same way. I now understand the difference between fault and responsibility. I also have gained some ideas about good relationship and bad relationship. For these reasons, thanks to Mark Manson.

The book is very attractive. The stories used in the book will compel you to read the topic. The book is written in simple English, noon readers, like me, will enjoy it. In the book, Mark told the concepts like a friend of yours. The book helps you to give more fucks about a specific subject instead of wasting them on unnecessary stuff. Many of us have an idea that "Motivation generates action", but Mark clarifies " Action generates motivation". Thus he motivates you in a reverse way.

The book contains a lot of rude words and slangs ( I have also used the word "f*ck" in the review). It may seem offensive to some readers. There is also a serious matter about the context of chapter VI. In the mentioned chapter, Mark generalised the allegations of sexual abuse during the 1980s as the outcome of false memory. For this reason, some readers criticised Mark.
However, the book is enjoyable if you give it a read.

At a glance:
Name of the book: "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life"
Writer: Mark Manson
Publisher: HarperOne
Number of pages: 212
Price: 395 INR

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